Renewal of Special Rate and Charge Scheme 2022-27
The Glenferrie Hawthorn Shopping and Business Centre’s five year Special Rate and Charge Scheme (the scheme) has been renewed from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2027. “Implementing and administering a rate and charge scheme requires a significant commitment from us [City of Boroondara] and the business or trader association.” The City of Boroondara has eight special rate and charge schemes in place including Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn. According to council, the scheme works for the purpose of “defraying the expenses of advertising, promotion, centre management, business development and other incidental expenses associated with the encouragement of commerce at the [Glenferrie Hawthorn] centre”.
For the scheme, council collects funds through a levy on all rateable land for commercial purposes located within the centre, which includes properties on Glenferrie Road from Barkers Road to just beyond Manningtree Road and on Burwood Road from Drill Street to just beyond William Street. The funds are then allocated to the Glenferrie Road Shopping Centre Association, trading as the Glenferrie Traders Association (GTA). The funds are issued to the GTA twice yearly, based on “a comprehensive agreement outlining governance and reporting requirements”.
This scheme funds the GTA’s employment of a coordinator; website; social media; promotional activities and campaigns for the street (e.g. ‘Shop Local’, Christmas etc.); and the annual Glenferrie Festival. In March 2022, council provided public notice that the scheme would be renewed for the next five-years via The Age newspaper, on council’s website and individual notices to each person liable to pay the Special Rate and Charge. On 27 June at a council meeting, the scheme was presented along with 16 objections. An amendment was made to the scheme that in addition to notifying those that made submissions or objections of the council’s decision that the Council would “where requested provide the relevant financial information” in relation to the scheme.
The current Special Rate and Charge Scheme 2022 - 2027 will raise approximately $208,375 in the first year from 1 July 2022, with a total levy of approximately $1,046,875 expected over five years. The scheme has been in continuous operation for 30 years now, with its ongoing renewal every five years.
