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Liddiard Street Carpark Upgrade

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

EDIT: On 3 March 2022, local residents received a letter from Hon Josh Frydenberg MP in relation to the "expansion of the existing Council-owned Liddiard Street car park" and informed them that "the federal government has decided not to proceed with funding for the proposed Hawthorn Commuter Carpark". Funding for the other Boroondara commuter carparks in Canterbury and Camberwell have also been abandoned. "Significant local feedback" was cited in the decision.

In December 2021, City of Boroondara began an eight-week community consultation process in relation to, “additional car parking spaces near Glenferrie Station”. The council are proposing to build a new car parking facility at the existing Liddiard Street council car park in Glenferrie Hawthorn funded in part by the Australian Government’s Urban Congestion Fund (UCF), established in the 2018-19 budget.

Artist impression of Liddiard community Carpark

The UCF includes a $660 million Commuter Car Park Fund with $15 million secured for the ‘Glenferrie Station Commuter Car Park Upgrade’ and more secured for additional car parking in two other Boroondara suburbs: Camberwell and Canterbury. An objective of the Commuter Car Park Fund is to “encourage greater use of public transport”. City of Boroondara has received initial funding and budgeted $650,000.00 to complete a feasibility study for the Glenferrie carpark.

According to the City of Boroondara, the proposed carparking facility for Liddiard Street would be multi-levelled and increase the number of car spaces to “around 490”. No details were provided in regards to the car parking time restrictions. Artistic impressions of the carpark were made available showing four above-ground levels, one below-ground level, and greenery surrounding the exterior.

Those in favour of the additional Liddiard Street car parking are focused on the potential benefit to the Glenferrie shopping precinct traders and customers in utilising the parking spaces. The Glenferrie Traders Association (GTA) secretary Sam Aldemir explains that the GTA is in support of “the car park solution” and that, “long term parking on this magnitude will provide our precinct with a once in a lifetime economic and social boost to our community”.

Those opposed to the Liddiard Street car parking site worry that more car parking will likely increase traffic congestion in the area. A group of locals and some traders posted signs on their properties and made flyers encouraging locals to “say no to Boroondara council’s multi-story Glenferrie car park proposal”. Along with increased traffic, other concerns raised were: reduction in safety, minimal benefits for traders as people will park and go into the city without shopping in the precinct, and the financial cost being greater than the UCF’s $15 million. Those against the car park development received publicity in major newspapers in early February.

Signs outside local Liddiard Street residences

It has been reported that the City of Port Phillip refused the UCF funding to increase parking at Balaclava Station. Other councils such as Bayside are unsure about accepting the funds due to losing council-owned land to a carpark and the additional cost. Of the 47 commuter car park projects funded by the UCF, only three have been built so far: Hurstbridge, Craigieburn, and Epping.

The community consultation for the three proposed car parking facilities in Boroondara ended on 10 February. Daniel Freer, Director Places and Spaces, explains that from the consultation “over 850 survey and 200 written responses were received for the proposed Glenferrie site”. A dedicated council meeting will be held on 15 March to discuss the Camberwell, Canterbury, and Glenferrie commuter car parking community consultation and feasibility works and will be open for community members to speak on behalf of their submissions. Visit to register to speak by midday, Friday 11 March. Council officers will review all feedback and present recommendations at a council meeting on 28 March. “Council recognises the significant community interest and thanks people who provided feedback on this important project.”


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