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Season's Greetings from Community Leaders

Mike Flynn


St. Columbs Anglican Church

Vicar Mike Flynn

"We run a counselling service. The counsellors say anxiety is on the rise as we cast off moorings from what used to keep us saner. So I love the pause Christmas can inject into the turmoil. For me it begins with the music, the breathing of the organ, the shout of the brass section, the choir reaching those old harmonies. Then the turmoil fades and I remember that God made himself so low in the world that anyone could reach his help.”

What is one gift you always wanted as a child but never received?

“A 125cc Yamaha dirt bike... my mother was very wise not to allow it.”

What is the best gift you have ever given?

“That is hard to say but I suspect it involves patience, respect and kindness more than things I was able to buy."

Rob Perkins

Rob Perkins


Grace Park Residents Association

"As 2019 draws to a close we look forward to 2020 and to start making some new year resolutions. While we all look forward to sharing Christmas cheer and greetings over the season, we need to get serious about improving Glenferrie Road and its streetscape in 2020. It is one of the few shoppings strips in Boroondara that has not had a significant investment in streetscape and it shows! VicTrack has been dragging their heels with the empty shops under the rail viaduct and need to get tenants into them as a priority. There are a number of empty shops on Glenferrie Road as retail pressure and competition from on-line stores increases, and the “uberisation” of the food scene takes foot traffic away from the street.

A vibrant Glenferrie Road is essential to create a welcoming shopping and social experience.

Both Boroondara Council and VicTrack need to do more to make this happen and to work with the traders on a coherent retail strategy that ensures the future of this very special part of Melbourne. 2020 is also a council election year and one where we as residents need to ensure that our priorities are recognised.

As a Grace Park resident I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and to think local and support our local traders in Glenferrie Road.”

What is your favourite thing about the holiday season?

“It suddenly becomes quiet around Hawthorn and very relaxed - just like the ‘good old days’.”

Does your family have a special dish you have each year?

“Champagne crepes with mango and ricotta sauce for Christmas breakfast.”


Andrew Tait

Andrew Tait (Photo source:


Hawthorn Community Chest

"On behalf of the volunteer committee of the Hawthorn Community Chest, I wish all local residents, community volunteers and business owners a safe and enjoyable festive season and a prosperous new year. For those in need over this time please do not hesitate to contact us.”

Contact Hawthorn Community Chest on 0499 400 043 or

What is the best gift you have ever received?

“When I was seven I was given a tent which I set up on the banks of the Rubicon River just outside of a country town called Thornton. We camped on the banks as a family for a week on a relative's farm.”

What are your plans this holiday season?

“A break by the sea as a family of seven.”

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